There are no spells in this deck, requiring the fire spirits, minion horde, and princess to clear any defensive cards for the inferno dragon. The second tank card is the giant, which can still be used well with the inferno dragon. Best Clash Royale Inferno Dragon Giant Deck Use the other cards for defense, along with defense.

Most of the time you want to use the inferno dragon on defense, but if you can get a strong push going and manage to lock the inferno dragon on the tower, it can do so much damage it will completely take out the tower. Back when the poison was still strong, this was one of the decks that could get you to 12 wins in a challenge. The golem is definitely the best deck to use the inferno dragon with. If you do have the inferno dragon, make sure to try out one of these decks! Best Clash Royale Inferno Dragon Golem Deck Use the articles below to help you with this process.Today, as voted by you guys, we have the best inferno dragon decks in all of Clash Royale for all arenas! The inferno dragon is extremely tough to play, as it is extremely easy to counter, but it can still be used on defense well. If you're making the transition from Desktop Sync to Desktop App, you'll need to uninstall Desktop Sync if you haven't already done so. If this step is skipped, it may lead to suboptimal performance or incorrect functioning of the desktop application.

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