You play as the AFA and their siege against various locations to destroy their infrastructure, resources, and further your prevention against The Omnicide while they attempt to gun you down. RAID ON AREA 12 You are the Anti-Foundation Alliance (AFA), tasked with the active prevention and counter-measures to The Omnicide. Upon the discovery of a malicious entity embedded within the collective human subconscious, the directive changed to the extermination of the entire human race using all resources they have at their disposal to carry it out - also known as The Omnicide. ALTERED DIRECTIVE The directive of the SCP Foundation was previously the study and containment of anomalous objects. Thank you to everyone who supported us through the stages of development thus far, we couldn’t have done this without you. Please take a look at our roadmap if you haven’t already to see what we’re working on & will work on over time.

And we are happy to continue through many more to carry this to completion.